Quadratic form

A quadratic form over a field $K$ is a map $q:V\to K$ from a finite-dimensional vector space $V$ over $K$ such that

$$ q(av)=a^2 q(v), \,\, a\in K,v\in V $$

and the function

$$ b_q(u,v):=\frac{1}{2}(q(u+v)-q(u)-q(v)) $$

is bilinear. It takes the form of a degree 2 homogeneous polynomial in $n$ variables with coefficients in $K$.

Fixed a basis of $V$, there exists a $n\times n$ matrix $A$ such that

$$ q(x)=x^T A \,x $$

The bilinear map $b_q$ defined above is called the associated bilinear form. It is satisfied that

$$ q(u,v)=v^T A\, u $$


$$ q(x)=b_q(x,x). $$




Author of the notes: Antonio J. Pan-Collantes
